Items Wanted
As an avid collector, and always wanting to expand the website content. I am actively searching for Original WW1 German artifacts.
In search of:
I am currently in search of the following items, German WW1:
Nähzeug (Sewing Kits)
Patriotische Produkte (Patriotic Items)
Gold zur Wehr Produkte (Gold for steel items)
Patriotische Soldat mit Schutzengel (Patriotic Soldier with Guardian Angel)
Patriotische Vase mit soldat (Patriotic 'Vase' with German/KUK Soldiers)
Patriotische Tischdecken (Patriotic Table Cloths)
Patriotische Ringe (Patriotic Rings)
Patriotischer Bilderrahmen (Patriotic Picture Frame)
Schnapsflasche Soldat (Liquor Bottle Soldier)
Drillichrock und Arbeitshose (Drill Tunic & Pants)
Hemd (Issued undershirt)
Feldmütze (Field Cap)
Schirmmütze (Visor Cap)
M1889 Patronentaschen (M1895 Ammunition Pouch)
Ersatz Patronentaschen (Ersatz Ammunition Pouch)
Gamaschen/Wickelgamaschen (Leg Wraps)
Brotbeutel (Bread Bags) & Brotbeutelreimen (Bread Bag & Bread Bag Strap)
Zeltbahn (Tent) and Zeltzubehörbeutel (Tent accessories)
Taschenlampe (Flashlight)
Tornister (Field Pack)
Drahtschere (Wire Cutters)
'Feldzug' Hand Towels
Liederbuch (Song Books)
Ersatz Kochgeschirr (Ersatz Messkit)
Ersatz Becher (Ersatz Drinking Cup)
Rotes Kreuz (Red Cross Items)
Sanitätsunterpersonel (Medic Patch)
Ärmelabzeichen (Sleeve Patches)
Kartentasche (Map Bag)
Stahl Horn (Steel Bugle)
Verbandpäckchen (Bandage)
Fettbüchse (Butter Dish)
Troddels (Bayonet/Sword Knots) NCO, Offizier, und Komp. 1-13
Ersatz Bayonets
WW1 German Jewish Items ( Military issue Jewish Pocket Prayer Book, Tora, Star of David, etc.)
WW1 German Religious Items - Crosses, patriotic bibles, pocket bibles, pocket prayer book, etc.
Field Phones & accessories
Gummi Gas Mask and accessories.
Special Interest:
The following items on this list is considered top priority for my collection:
5. Garde-Regiment zu Fuß
Photos & Post Cards
Pickelhaube & Helmets
Field Gear - Breadbags,BB Sling, Cup, etc.
Identified Groupings
Anything Uniform Related
Hats Related
Awards with Paper Work
Soldbuch, Soldpaß, etc.
John 'Barny' Hines was the “Souvenir King”.
Before Contacting
If you have an item that you wish to sell to myself, I would like to request that you ensure you email me directly with clear (none blurred) images:
Take pictures of the item with a piece of paper with your email on the paper.
Take clear photos of any markings, damage, or marks of ownership.
Take good front, back, and (if possible) inside photos.
Additionally, please let me know what kind of price you have in mind, if not we can work something out.